About Us
Glendora Digestive Disease Institute has multiple GI endoscopy procedure rooms with state-of-the art safety and diagnostic equipment. Since opening, we have provided high quality care in a setting that is friendly, comfortable and deserving of your trust. We are confident that patients will find Glendora Digestive Disease Institute to be a very pleasant, safe and convenient alternative to hospital-based endoscopy.
Scheduling for our center is done from the gastroenterologist’s office only. Cancellations may be called in to the center: (626) 723-3844.
Key Staff
Our staff at Glendora Digestive Disease Institute is committed to making sure you receive the best care by guiding you through your process from start to finish.
Get to know our dedicated, talented staff below.
Kim Edmondson, R.N.
Center Director
Michelle Counts, R.N.
Charge Nurse
Elia Lara
Billing Department
Marina Sigala
Billing Department
Alma Torres
Front Desk Lead